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Valley Christian Schools Jobs
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Full-Time And Part-Time High School American Sign Language (Asl) Instructors
- San Jose | Apr 29, 2021 Valley Christian Schools
- Valley Christian Schools - San Jose, CA - Full-time and part-time High School American Sign Language (ASL) instructors are needed for the 2021-2022 school year, with a st...
Full-Time Or Part-Time High School Business Instructor
- San Jose | Apr 29, 2021 Valley Christian Schools
- Valley Christian Schools - San Jose, CA - A full-time or part-time High School Business Instructor is needed for the 2021-2022 school year, with a start date of August 2,...
Full-Time Or Part-Time High School Computer Science Instructor
- San Jose | Feb 26, 2021 Valley Christian Schools
- Valley Christian Schools - San Jose, CA - A full-time or part-time High School Computer Science Instructor needed for the 201-2022 school year, with a start date of Augus...