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Test Technician Jobs in Farmington
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R81348 - Automotive Test Technician (Hvac / Thermal Testing)
- Farmington Hills | May 23, 2021 Kelly
- Kelly - Farmington Hills, MI - *Automotive Test Technician (HVAC / Thermal testing)* From the sleek design of our vehicles to the unique opportunities we offer around
R81347 - Automotive Research & Development Test Technician
- Farmington Hills | May 23, 2021 Kelly
- Kelly - Farmington Hills, MI - *Automotive Research & Development Test Technician * From the sleek design of our vehicles to the unique opportunities we offer around the
R81970 - Nissan - Data Acquisition & Instrumentation Technician
- Farmington Hills | May 20, 2021 Kelly
- Kelly - Farmington Hills, MI - *Nissan Automotive - Data Acquisition & Instrumentation Technician* Long-term, day shift opportunity We are looking for a hard-working
R82804 - Safety Testing Vehicle Measurement & Analysisehicle T
- Farmington Hills | May 23, 2021 Kelly
- Kelly - Farmington Hills, MI - *Safety Testing Vehicle Measurement & Analysis Technician* Long-term, day shift opportunity From the sleek design of our vehicles to the
R75974 - Test Dummy Seating Technician
- Farmington Hills | Apr 1, 2021 Kelly Services
- Kelly Services - Farmington Hills, MI - Test Dummy Seating Technician at Nissan Automotive Long-term, day shift opportunity From the sleek design of our vehicles to
R77689 Autonomous Drive Assistance Systems / Adas Test Technician
- Farmington Hills | Mar 15, 2021 Kelly
- Kelly - Farmington Hills, MI -